Hello, ZK-World! Pt. 2

Hello, ZK-Wordle! In this article, let’s take a closer look at the implementation details of our ZK-Wordle app. You can find the complete app code here and try out the production deployment here. The previous article covered the app architecture. So, let’s once again take a look at the sequence diagram that we initially presented there. Figure 1 - ZK-Wordle Sequence Diagram Our main points of interest are the zero-knowledge proofs for the clues and player stats....

October 3, 2022 · 10 min · Alex Kuzmin

Hello, ZK-World! Pt. 1

With the series of articles on zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs), I’m aiming to create a guide on their practical applications that will be helpful for fellow software engineers interested in the topic. The first article will cover the path from my initial fascination with ZKPs to my understanding of ZKP application architecture basics. What Are The Zero-Knowledge Proofs? ZKPs are genuinely fascinating. Before learning about them, I used to think of cryptography merely as a means of secure communication, where Alice needs to pass some information to Bob in a way that only prevents any other party from learning it....

August 12, 2022 · 11 min · Alex Kuzmin